VALERIE ANNE is a simplified limited liability company (“société par actions simplifiée” under French law) registered with the Commerce and Companies under number 814 310 892 RCS since October 26, 2015.

CEO: Valérie-Anne Picollec.

Credits & copyrights:

All texts, images and videos on this website are the sole and exclusive property of VALERIE ANNE. Any reproduction of the contents of this website is subject to prior written authorization.

Made by (website, texts, photos and videos):

Webpage host:
OVH SAS capital of 500 k € RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011

APE Code 721Z – VAT number: FR 2242476141900011

Registered office: 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Ce site a fait l’objet d’une déclaration à la CNIL le 25/08/2016 sous le n°1985183 v 0.